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Saturday, December 27, 2008


I.The most suitable one to your lifestyle

As time is changing our lifestyles are also becoming more luxurious. In that case normally obesity rises as a mass problem. Indifferent lifestyle coupled with the lack of physical activities is frequently correlated to obesity. This problem occurs because extra calories and less physical activity.

Some people suffer from obesity because they don’t have any control over their appetite and they never desire to do any physical activity. Fat deposits in their body everyday and that finally convert in to obesity. We can not fully blame changing lifestyle for obesity because there are also hormonal disorders that can cause obesity but it was visible in only 10% cases rest 90% were because of bad eating and working habits.

But it really forces to ponder over that problem that 25 on every 100 persons are suffering from problem of extra weight. It seems very funny to suggest for such a weight loose program which consumes maximum hours of your day cause in such a fast running and busy life no one has time to spend on their weight loose program. For present fast running life the solution should be fast and easy and of course less time consuming. Nothing is impossible in present high tech era and that is also possible to loose weight without wasting much time on weight loose program.

Diet pills and appetite suppressant drugs are eve ready answer to every problem related to your extra weight. Phentermine is that drug that can sort out your problem without demanding much time and money and that is the only one solution which suits to your lifestyle and habits. Even buying Phentermine is also very convenient and suitable to your lifestyle. You can order phentermine to any online supplier and can also get discount phentermine anywhere you want.

Nothing is as suitable as this to your lifestyle which can save your time and hard earned money. Of course there is no doubt in effectiveness of this drug cause millions of people are witness of its wonderful results. Try this out and be one more to tell its surprisingly quick results to others but you will feel its wonder only after using it so take a step towards it and feel how your can change just through a wise decision.

II. Home Business Burnout: What To Do When Doubt Creeps In

We've all been there before. Your website isn't pulling in any hits and your advertising campaign is a bust. The leads you've been contacting either don't want what you have or couldn't handle it if they wanted to. Your trying like mad to make something for yourself to avoid having to go back to a dreaded J.O.B. but it seems like all of your efforts are in vain. In the beginning, you were psyched, motivated and driven to succeed in a business where 99% of people fail. You had confidence in yourself. You were willing to do whatever it took to reach your goals and make it to the top. So what happened?

Well, somewhere down the line, you dropped the ball. No, it has nothing to do with what kind of leads you are using, or your advertising budget. You dropped the ball when you invited a very unwelcome guest into your home business enterprise...your own doubting ego. Ego is a vicious fighter. It must be right at all costs. It lives and breathes to remain unscathed. As soon as you step out of your comfort zone and take a risk, your ego stands up at attention and tries to talk some sense into you. "There are so many people who don't make it in this business...who am I kidding?" "Maybe I should just cut my losses and get out now. At least I tried."

When you fall for these tricks, ego rests easy, knowing that it's got you by the throat and you'll be hard pressed to take such risks again. Safety. Security. The familiar. These are what keeps ego alive. The problem with that is that life is always changing. Our existence from moment to moment is changing. Our bodies completely regenerate...every single cell of our body is totally recreated within the course of two years. But, in spite of the fact that change is the only constant, ego thinks it can get by without it.

It's easy to blame the economy, the advertising, or just 'bad luck' as the reason why most home businesses fail. But the truth is more difficult to accept. The truth is that we are slaves to our ego. We are the destroyers, through listening to that niggling voice in our head and giving our power over to it. We cannot stand the thought of failure or being laughed at even if we are the only ones doing the laughing.

When you begin to realize the tight grip your ego has over every aspect of your being, you see that the road ahead is indeed a long one. But there's hope! You can begin to quiet the voice of the ego. It takes dedication...not just to your website and your advertising. It takes dedication to yourself...the real you that's been sacrificed at the mercy of ego. The real you that knows that anything is possible and that you deserve to succeed.

The very best way to take control of your ego is to adopt the habit of daily meditation. As you come to know stillness each day, little by little you can chip away at that annoying ego, revealing in the space between your thoughts; the essence of who you truly are. Know this part of yourself, and you will be more able to keep ego at bay. Visualize your goals as if they have already happened.

We create our reality by the thoughts that we think in each moment. Refuse to allow the negativity and doubt to creep in. When you recognize yourself having a doubting thought, do not give it one more millisecond in your head. Replace it with a positive affirmation or a powerful image of yourself being as successful as you want to be.

Get to know yourself in your head as you aspire to be, not as you 'think' you are. Assume success with every fiber of your being. Intend to be successful. Give thanks for your success, in advance and often. You will see things begin to go your way. You will see the success that you envision begin to manifest in your external life. Make each thought a positive and valuable thought. Hold lofty goals and assume that they are being made manifest, no matter what ego tells you is 'reality'. We create our own reality, with or without ego's input.

Running a home based business takes more than organization, time management and good luck. It takes faith and a consistent desire to succeed. Throw ego out the window and create success for yourself one thought at a time.

III.DonĂ¢€™t Let Workplace Burnout Destroy Your Life

It used to be called "mid-life crisis" – and haven’t all of us joked about it – a turmoil and discomfort that literally turns life upside down.

Nowadays this syndrome is being recognized as “work place burnout” and it is becoming more widespread and is affecting men and women alike throughout the entire workforce. Work place burnout has been pinned as the main cause of reduced morale and absenteeism.


You may be experiencing the symptoms of work place burnout even if you are as young as 30 years of age, though most people affected are in their early 40’s.

Some people experience a sudden grief and loss, while others perceive that something is changing but it may take several years to manifest.

Are you feeling a lack of personal achievement and satisfaction at work? This is one of the early warning signs. Is going to work a time-consuming drudgery and work itself a day-long bore? Do frustration levels increase exponentially as you grapple with life issues - which could show that you are not in control? If so, you're not alone. You're on the downhill slide to work place burnout.

Don’t expect your spouse or boss to understand what you are going through, as workplace burnout is extremely personal in nature – you’re having the crisis, not them! You may be led to blame your spouse or boss for the way you’re feeling, as they seem to be the closest source of your pain and angst.

However if your condition is true work place burnout then you will need professional help to shift your perceptions into a more realistic balance.

There are emotional and physical symptoms associated with what you are going through.


The emotional symptoms usually show up as the first sign that you are burnt out. You may often feel an unrelenting stress, lack enthusiasm, have a sense of loss of control as well as experience an unexplainable grief.

You may want to blame those around you for the way you feel, but this rarely resolves the inner turmoil that you are experiencing.

In severe cases of work place burnout people experience thoughts of suicide, and even in mild cases the thought of total detachment through this means may seem to be a way out.

Many people who experience the emotional symptoms often show up at the doctor seeking help with a loss of spark in their personality. “Nothing I do is worth it anymore,” they say.

This feeling often results in a loss of productivity and creativity. It also fuels negativity and cynicism, with a quickness to get angry and blame others. Over time you may find solace in detaching yourself from others, however this rarely resolves the issue.


Work place burnout also affects your body. The feeling of “never being able to do enough” may drive you to work extensively long hours in an effort to catch up.

You may be losing sleep over your sense of failure to achieve anything meaningful, which in turn leads to physical exhaustion.

Physical exhaustion may take the form of headaches, physical shaking from head to foot, inability to think clearly and being unable to relax.

Physical exhaustion also causes you to lose your natural communication ability, so communication between your spouse and children, your boss or co-workers may sometimes become explosive.

There is also the possibility of experiencing gastrointestinal problems as your body is unable to cope with extensively long hours of work.


People experiencing work place burnout need to take time out of their busy lives to confront the underlying issues that are causing them stress. There is no easy fix – and the solution that you arrive at is most likely going to place you on a different life course than the one you have been traveling.

One method of finding the root cause of your uneasiness is to use a notepad and start writing out your thoughts. The thoughts, impressions and images that are filling your mind can be captured and you will be able to identify a pattern, which in turn you may be able to address.

A further use of your notepad is to go into a deeper realm of writing to discover the thoughts and impressions that are flooding your spirit. In a quiet environment spend at least one hour with your eyes closed and write down the thoughts that come to you. As you perform this activity, your thoughts should change from first person to third person as your focus shifts from your head to your inner being. It’s as if you can hear someone else talking to you and giving you direction and counsel.

A visit to your local General Practitioner may also help you cope with the effects on your body due to workplace burnout. Prescription medication may be given to assist you to relax and get your body rested again, while you sort through the underlying issues. You may be prescribed relaxants or sleeping aides. You may also be referred to a gastroenterologist if the need exists.

Finally, the most efficient way of resolving work place burnout is to rely on the services of a professional counselor. A trained counselor can travel this journey with you. Their assistance can help make the hard decisions become easy as you work through the process of resolving the cause of your work place burnout, so that you can be on track for a happy and healthy life once again.

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