I. Why Is There Teenage Early Pregnancy?
Teenage pregnancy today is an outbreak! However, we love life, in any angle; the child she is carrying is innocent to be blamed. The girl will suffer all the consequences from the moment she knew that she is pregnant. It will change her mental, physical and emotional aspects. The guy suffers too. He will carry all the words and blames more if he will run out of the situation.
Teenage life is where cases of sexual desires tend to happen. There is an urge to do something that they knew is not for their stage. They might learn from their respective lessons about contraceptives and how it is done, sex. In anyways, they must know what is wrong and right things to do, their limitations. Emotion is the number one enemy of teenagers and it should be controlled.
There are different ways to avoid your children to engage in these situations. It is all must start at home.
Most of the times, at their early age, they get pregnant because of their family problems. Broken family, financial problem, emotional problem were common causes. They believed that they can run from their families if they will raise their own with a boyfriend or someone else. They sometimes blame their parents when not properly attended or when there is no good communication at all. They might feel alone and find companion with boyfriend or friends. The delicate part is when they were subjected to drugs, smoking, drinking, illegal things and sexual activities that cause unexpected pregnancy too.
In some cases, rape is an issue. This sometimes causes pregnancy and destruction of dignity as well.
Sometimes youth believed that they know all things happening around them. They try to experiment and get curios. Out of curiosity, innocence and emotional awareness, they do things like sex a game only. They did not even think what this act can result.
The feeling of must-admit-mistake is not easy to accept. You might ask yourself, "How about my future?", "My parents, they will be disappointed!'. I'm pretty sure they are! No parents will have fun seeing their child at early age is suffering from big responsibility.
In this situation, learn to say sorry though they cannot turn right the result. Accept the fact that you made a big mistake. Well it is not a mistake if there is love they say, but the fact that it happened at a wrong time, it is. Good conversations between the two parties are needed. Talk carefully; very well, do not let your anger rises rather than the mission to end well the negotiation.
Parents will never let their child carry all the burdens. Give them support and advice them. In that case, they will realize and learn from that situation. Never tell that they were no longer part of your family, because nobody can change the fact that they are from your blood.
Remember, blood is thicker than water! Believe that sooner or later, they can prove their selves to you, parents.
II. Find Ways to Pay for Medical Expenses During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is an exciting time, but it can also be quite stressful. The extra expenses of prenatal care and preparing for the new baby are overwhelming for many women.
According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, your spouse and your baby deserve to be healthy and have consistent care. Financial aid and other programs are available for women in need and their babies. The following organizations can help your partner and your baby get medical care:
• State and local health departments - They can tell you what programs are available in your area. Ask about health insurance, medical care, and how you r family can qualify for this help.
• Local hospital or social service agencies - Ask to speak with a social worker on staff. She will be able to tell you where to go for help.
• Community clinics - Some areas have free clinics or clinics that provide free care to women in need.
• Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program - This government program is available in every state. It provides help with food, nutritional counseling, and access to health services for women, infants and children.
• Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) - This program provides health insurance for children under age 18 in every state.
• Telephone book and Internet - These resources may have information on programs in your area.
Women in every state can get help to pay for medical care during their pregnancies. This prenatal care can help your family have a healthy baby. Every state in the United States has a program to help. Programs give medical care, information, advice and other services important for a healthy pregnancy.
To find out about the program in your state:
• Call 1-800-311-BABY (1-800-311-2229) This toll-free telephone number will connect you to the Health Department in your area code
• Call or contact your local Health Department.
Above all, ensure a healthy pregnancy for your spouse by making sure she has a healthy diet , sleep and exercise, a stress-free life, and regular visits to the doctor. Find pregnancy tips articles and childbirth celebration ideas for dads.
III.When Your Body Knows You're Pregnant
When I was pregnant with my son, even though I didn't know it yet, my taste in foods changed radically. I remember going to my favorite seafood restaurant for a lobster dinner, and barely being able to eat a bite. Even the smell was repulsive. And the butter? Forget about it!
A few months later, when my pregnancy was confirmed, it made sense. There were a few other tell tale signs as well, and if I'm totally honest about it, deep down I knew I was pregnant, but I waited for a positive pregnancy test result before I told my husband. I talked with some of my friends about this and all of them had some sort of sign that they were indeed pregnant. Now not all of us had the same symptoms but the following is a list of the most common ones.
1. Tender breasts are the result of increased levels of estrogen and progesterone. Your breasts will retain more fluid because of the hormone rise causing your breasts to feel heavier and more sensitive than usual. They can also become quite sore. Anyone with PMS knows what this feels like!
2. All of my friends and I experienced major levels of low energy, particularly during the first trimester. I've never slept so much in my life and used to sneak off to the staff room and have power naps at lunch. If I didn't , I would literally fall asleep at my desk come 3 o'clock. There are basically two reasons for this fatigue; your heart pumps a bit faster to supply oxygen to the baby, and the extra progesterone causes your body temperature to rise slightly.
3. My poor sister-in-law, who's a fabulous cook, couldn't set foot in the kitchen for months after conception. The smell of cooking meat in particular sent her gasping for fresh air. Needless to say there was a lot of take out at her house! I have another friend, a real chocoholic, who couldn't even look at a Hershey bar without throwing up. I had no morning sickness at all with my first pregnancy, lucky me, and the only thing I took a dislike to was seafood. I paid for it with my second pregnancy though, as morning sickness stretched into afternoon sickness which turned into, well you get the picture.
4. Without exception, every pregnant woman knows the location of the nearest bathroom, no matter where she is. And if there isn't one within easy reach, we move locations. It's that simple. Most people think that this only happens in the last trimester when the baby is pushing against the bladder, but not so for a couple of my friends.
5. My normally even tempered best friend turned into a raging mood swinger in the weeks following conception. She cried at every romantic scene on TV and flew into an absolute rage when the cable went out one night during a get together to watch Gone with the Wind. Not knowing that she was pregnant, we simply offered her another glass of wine and told her to take it easy!
Mother Nature is a wonderful woman and the above are just some of the ways she has of telling us when we're pregnant.
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